Samsung Galaxy S10 series, the smartphone market, which is recognized in the perforated screens, many screen manufacturers have changed the production strategy. Taiwan-based screen maker AU Optronics will produce a new 6.2-inch screen with a 4.2mm diameter hole.
Samsung and LG are two of the world's best performing smartphones manufacturers in recent years. Other screen manufacturers, such as Tianma, Japan Display Incorporated, AU Optronics, Sharp and Foxconn are also renewing their production strategies to stay behind their mighty competitors. Announcing the 6.4-inch perforated screen in January, AU Optronics announced that it would continue to produce a perforated screen.
According to a report from the DigiTimes technology information site, AU Optronics has produced a new 6.2-inch LPTS perforated screen. The 21: 9 aspect ratio indicates a relatively small hole with a diameter of 4.2 mm. This hole is smaller than the 4.5mm hole we see on the Honor V20.
The report also said that the infrastructure needed to be able to take this new series production of screen is ready. AU Optronics, which does not only work on LPTS screens, is also continuing its research and development unit for OLED displays. The new generation OLED screens, developed as a result of R & D activities, should be used in large scale products such as television and monitors.
Kaynak : https://www.gizmochina.com/2019/03/09/au-optronics-unveils-6-2-inch-through-hole-punch-display-with-tiny-4-2mm-cutout-smaller-than-honor-v20s/
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