The Google link shortening service goo.gl will no longer be useful.
The goo.gl shortcut from Google met Google in December 2009. However, the need for link shorteners has decreased recently and even the goo.gl service is slowly dying since last year. As of May 2018, new users could no longer use this service and they have now been completely removed.
The Goo.gl service was a great success when it was launched. It has been said that the system of link abbreviations destroys so to speak. In fact, it's been a long time. However, as the use of the Internet increased, new link reduction services appeared and the need for goo.gl served decreased dramatically.
The currently available goo.gl links can still be used, but no new links will be created. Google recommends developers use the Bit.ly or Ow.ly abbreviation.
Kaynak : https://www.androidpolice.com/2019/03/30/googles-link-shortener-is-officially-dead/
$ (Function () {
// Facebook window.fbAsyncInit = function () { fb.init ({ appId: & # 39; 1037724072951294 & # 39; xfbml: true, version: & # 39; v2.5 & # 39; }); };
(function (d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName (s)[0]; if (d.getElementById (id)) {return;} js = d.createElement (s); js.id = id; js.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore (js, fjs); } (document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));
$ (& # 39; Body & # 39;). Ten ({ click: function () { // save button facebook ajax If fb.xfbml.p (); } }, & # 39; .facebook-save & # 39;);
// share scroll if ($ (& # 39 ;. content-sticky & # 39;). length> 0) { if ($ (window) .width ()> = 768) { $ (window) .on (& # 39; scroll, function () { have scrollTop = $ (this) .scrollTop (); $ (& # 39; article). each (function () { if (scrollTop> = ($ (this) .find ('content-body'). offset (). top - 76)) { $ (This) .Find ("Sticky Content.") AddClass ("Sticky"). (($ (this) .find (& # 39 ;. content-body & # 39;). offset (). top + $ (this) .find (& # 39; content-body & # 39;). ) - ($ (this .find (& # 39 ;. content-sticky & # 39;). height () + 92))) { $ (This) .Find ("Sticky Content.") RemoveClass ("Sticky"). $ (this) .find (& # 39 ;. content-sticky & # 39;). css ("bottom": "0px", "top": "auto"); } else { $ (This) .Find ("Sticky Content"). AddClass (& # 39; sticky & # 39;). Css ({ & # 39; bottom & # 39 ;: initial & # 39 ;, & # 39; top & # 39; 76px & # 39; }); } } else { $ (this) .find (& # 39 ;. content-sticky & # 39;). removeClass (& # 39; sticky & # 39;). css ("bottom": "auto", "top": "0"); } }); }); } }
// share click $ (& # 39; Body & # 39;). Ten ({ click: function () { var $ this = $ (this), dataShareType = $ this.attr (& # 39; data sharing type), dataType = $ this.attr (& # 39; data type & # 39;), dataId = $ this.attr (& # 39; data-id & # 39;), dataPostUrl = $ this.attr (& # 39; data-post-url & # 39;), dataTitle = $ this.attr (& # 39; data-title & # 39;), dataSef = $ this.attr (& # 39; data-sef & # 39;);
switch (dataShareType) { case & # 39; facebook & # 39 ;: fb.u from ({ method: "share", href: dataSef, }, function (answer) { if (response &&! response.error_message) { updatehit (); } });
case & # 39; twitter & # 39 ;: shareWindow (https: //twitter.com/intent/tweet? via = webtekno & text = + encodeURIComponent (dataTitle) +% E2% 96% B6 + encodeURIComponent (dataSef )); updatehit (); break;
case "plus": shareWindow (https://plus.google.com/share? url = + encodeURIComponent (dataSef)); updatehit (); break;
case "mail": window.location.href = & # 39; mailto:? subject = & # 39; + encodeURIComponent (dataTitle) + & # 39; & body = & # 39; + encodeURIComponent (dataSef); // updatehit (); break;
Case & # 39; WhatsApp & # 39 ;: window.location.href = whatsapp: // send? text = & # 39; + encodeURIComponent (dataTitle) + & # 39;% E2% 96% B6 & # 39; + encodeURIComponent (dataSef); updatehit (); break; }
shareWindow function (url) { window.open (url, "_blank", "toolbar = yes, scrollbars = yes, resizable = yes, top = 500, left = 500, width = 400, height = 400"); }
function updateHit () { .Ajax $ ({ type: "POST", url: dataPostUrl, data: {contentId: dataId, contentType: dataType, shareType: dataShareType}, success: function (data) {
if ($ (& # 39 ;. video-showcase & # 39;). length> 0) { var $ container = $ (& # 39 ;. video-showcase & # 39;) } else if ($ (& # 39; article[data-id="' + dataId + '"]& # 39;) .length> 0) { var $ container = $ (& # 39; article[data-id="' + dataId + '"]"); } else if ($ (. wt-share-item[data-id="' + dataId + '"]& # 39;) .length> 0) { var $ container = $ (& # 39; .wt-share-item[data-id="' + dataId + '"]"); } else { $ container = null; }
// var $ container = dataType == & # 39; video & # 39; $ (& # 39 ;. video-showcase & # 39;): $ (& # 39;[data-id="' + dataId + '"]");
if ($ container! = null && $ container.length> 0) { var $ badged = $ container.find (& # 39; .wt-share-badge - & # 39; + dataShareType);
find $ headerCount = $ (& # 39 ;. content-header). find (& # 39; .wt-share-count & # 39;), $ containerCount = $ container.find (& # 39 ;. wt-share-count & # 39;), value = parseInt ($ containerCount.html ()) + 1;
$ container.data (& # 39; share & # 39; value); //$containercount.html (valued A);
if ($ headerCount.length> 0) { //$headercount.html (valued A); }
if ($ badged.length> 0 && (dataShareType == facebook> ||| dataShareType == & # 39;) & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; if ($ badged.hasClass (& # 39; is-visible)) { //$badged.html(dat A); } else { //$badged.addclass('is-visible').html(dat A); } } }
}, & # 39; .wt-share-button & # 39;)
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