Known wrongs on hair transplant


Dr. Faruk Demirkol, hair transplant related to the known correct faults.

Hair transplantation in transplant patients in recent years is a commonly used method. With the new techniques developed in the method that can be applied to both women and men, it is now possible to get hair completely painless and more natural. What are the errors we know about hair transplantation? On the subject Faruk Demirkol told us what to know.

Is a hair transplant done on each hair?

There is no hair transplant operation. Hair transplantation does not genetically prevent future spills. Alopecia areata, which we call hair loss, and scarring alopecia, is not a treatment option.

Is the hair planted in a more dripping approach correct?

The planted hair does not fall for a short time, but may decrease over the years (10 to 20 years) or depending on age. Immunological and physiological changes in locks of hair genetically predisposed to hair loss in some women and men may not be clearly known. As a result of transplanting these hair follicles, hair loss can be observed in subsequent years. It is therefore very important that the operation be performed in experienced hands.

Is hair transplantation correct?

The perfect approach to take a single session in each patient is not the right one. Hair transplantation is also a personalized planned procedure. Sometimes enough grafts may not be provided to the area to be sown. In this case, it may be necessary to repeat the session or redo an operation in the following years. The awareness of the professional teams also increases its importance here. Sowing in good hands increases the success rate.

Hair transplant operation is a completely painless procedure is the approach to the right approach?

The experience of hair transplants and the correct dosage of anesthesia are directly proportional to the absence of pain in the procedure. The operation performed under local anesthesia can cause a mild and transient burning sensation during the first ten minutes, depending on the pain threshold of the person as well as from one person to the other. However, this situation is temporary.

Is it fair to consider the approach that hair transplantation is impractical?

The hair transplant operation is absolutely inconvenient. This carries a risk of infection and many infectious diseases. Therefore, the team of experts should carry out hair transplant surgery in a totally sterile environment, plastic surgeon, dermatology specialist or medical aesthetic specialist. In our center, hair transplant operations are performed in the environment of the operating room.

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