In August Google Developped by dragonfly We mentioned a project with code name. To put an end to the project, which caused serious concern at the time, employees of the technology giant published a new open letter, O.
Googleis preparing to sign a new project. August leak to the press dragonfly The code-named project is a new way the technology giant has developed to penetrate the Chinese market. As you know, China, which has one of the largest markets, is one of the places where technology giants want to participate. But China's oppressive rule and censorship mean that not all technology giants can live here. The Google search engine is one of these services. But with Dragonfly, Google is specific to China self-censored develops a search engine. This China-specific search engine, which will automatically censor indexed websites in the country, would also have censored terms such as human rights, democracy, religion and peaceful protest. Employees have expressed concerns about the emergence of the project. Now, they make a new statement collectively.
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"Google should cancel the Dragonfly project"
Although the letter published at the time brought the voice of the technology giant could not. Google employees are responding again with a new letter. Employees who have joined Amnesty International demand the cancellation of the project. Employees, noting that their objection is not in China, said that technology should not be used as a way to suppress and silence people. This new search engine will play a role in state surveillance, while China from other countries may also want to take advantage of caution Noting that the government-controlled search engine will remove marginalized and only pro-government content, the team highlights the dangers of censorship. You can access the signed application by dozens of employees here.
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