The Portuguese star Cristiano Ronaldo, transferred from Real Madrid to Juventus Real Madrid in the first teams of the Football League, publishes a letter of goodbye.
In the letter published on the website of Real Madrid, the Spanish representative expresses his happiness
Ronaldo, who thanked his team for his closeness and his love for him, said: "However, it is time for me to enter a new turning point in my life, and so I asked him to accept the transfer of the club.I am sorry for that, and I ask everyone, especially my followers, to understand me. "
" I will never forget "
" I know very well that I will never forget that I have a unique football life here ", said the star player who has expressed 9 years of excitement and challenge to Real Madrid. Recognizing that he has great teammates on the field and in the locker room with his Real Madrid form, the 33-year-old star said: "I've always felt the heat of an incredible crowd. " Real Madrid has won over my heart and my family.
Ronaldo, who thanked the club, directors, teammates, technicians, doctors and all members of the team, completed the letter as follows:
"I am very concerned about the transfer and I know I will continue to feel that I am in this formante, Arman and Santiago Bernabeu, and thanks to all of you for saying for the first time 9 years ago in the stadium: Haydi Madrid. "[19659008] Carta of Cristiano Ronaldo.
? https://t.co/N6ssf0qoca#HalaMadrid pic.twitter.com/tLNYvnMzQq
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