The dismantling and sale of potatoes is expected to last 4 months
The dismantling of potatoes in the district began in the fields of the village of Alagöz. Depending on the size of the potato to be demolished, it is divided into 1, 2 and 3 numbers. The number 1 potato is sold at 1.5 lira, the number 2 potato is sold at 75 cents and the number 3 potato is sold at around 50 cents.
The President of the Chamber of Agriculture, Süleyman Yildiz, said: "At this moment the potatoes have been dismantled and we have reached the position where the scales will be formed and the potatoes we have grown are numbered. potatoes are sold at 1.5 lire on the spot, potatoes 2 are 75 cents and potatoes 3 are sold 50. Potatoes that consume potatoes and consume consumers do not know their potatoes. number. and third year potatoes are sold.You do not find the first class potatoes on the market.We want to tell you that if you find a buyer in the market in a market that grows 5-6 times, he it's not good to cultivate it. we contribute to the economic efficiency of the country, and if we are given a measure of the rate of last year, there is a decrease of 4 in the harvest of October. This decrease inevitably happens. Because when potatoes do not pay in previous seasons, producers add other products and there is a decrease in acreage. Our season has begun now. The dismantling of the potato is done here for at least 3-4 months, but it is less accurate. Turkey, he was expected by the public. If the potatoes come out, the markets will stabilize too. From today on he said bismillah. I hope the prices will be even better. Our goal is always to be bothered by the fact that the product is sold at 5-6 times the price. If the measure is taken, it is a better solution for the citizens if we avoid that the producer is sold 5-6 times more than the consumer. We always say. The import is not the solution. We must produce. Otherwise, it will be unbalanced prices.
"The amount of money going into the hands of the farmer is small."
Ahmet Çetinkaya, the potato maker who made his first dismantling in the village of Alagöz, said: "We sold the potatoes that Allah gave us. see, our potato is good.Good for the merchant we are selling.We came today with a good man.We make the first dismantling of the crushed steel.We will save our prices this year " , he said.
Mevlüt Çetinkaya, "We started the dismantling of the potatoes, prices are around 50 cents to read under the soil, these prices are already recovering farmers. have been as high since we have been injured in the last three years.The cost in the market is not our concern.The farmer's gain is important here.The farmer does not earn money as the new The amount of money spent by the hand of the farmer is small.The registration is also normal.Approximately 3.5 tons per decare "
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