Mustafa Ceceli added photos and even videos, which clearly shows the relationship between his ex-wife Sinem Gedik and the singer Intisara in his record for the custody of the son. The images fell like bombs on the agenda.
I want to say something if you are lynched by Mustafa Ceceli
"Singer Mustafa Ceceli, Guardian Guard, According to Ertuğrul Özkök, everyone in this country was in the right place taking the lead in front of Mustafa Ceceli because of this video recording Wait a minute … before this judgment is handed down to this jurisdiction But the fact is that even though we have not started talking yet, that's the case .. Some people who are respected in the media are not closed because the "Haji Mustafa, worthy of what you wrote." Who tries to get custody of the child. , we learned that a homosexual .. Which of you wants your son to grow up in a gay marriage, grow up? .. Think independently of the names .. We do not know any unity before work .. Maybe Cecelia will have this child in an environment He has tried every means to raise. If you can not get the result, he was helpless and the court gave it to me .. I do not know .. Please do not mention the names of the singers and focus only on the content. "
Ozkok's answer: Bak Ersoy, Ceceli is not the question
Özkök, who has been laden with heavy words at Ceceli for days, has reacted to Ersoy's support for him. "Go, everything is clear, write words …" Özkök answered in the form of materials
– ONE: It is normal for every separated mother and father to use the legal means to obtain the guardianship of his son …
– TWO: To receive custody of both sides, the weaknesses of the other,
There is no problem at this point … The question is:
– ONE: First, it "immorality" is a reason to be given unilaterally, but this is often not a widely accepted definition
– TWO: What is important is the thrill.
– THREE : It is imprudent to put a hidden camera in a person's room. He is unwise to present it as evidence. It is wrong that the prisoner should put a record of illegally obtained evidence. But the most unscrupulous and the most criminal is to disclose it to the public.
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