Accounting days of the local credit rating agency


The preparations of the domestic credit rating agency were completed, the notification came into effect. It is intended to make objective assessments with the credit rating agency determined in accordance with the rules so that they are very common and totally independent. The rating agency, often referred to by financial institutions and banks, can be a shield against international rating agencies that threaten to "cut your ratings" before the elections and aim to lower the stock markets and make bounce the currencies.
Mehmet Ali Akben, the president of the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (BRSA), pointed out that they wanted to set up a local rating agency to meet the needs of the financial markets and the banking sector on as soon as possible. Akben side "Association of Banks of Turkey (TBB) work was done. They arranged the infrastructure. Now, from now on, who will be the partners, which banks or private companies will be part of the TBB coordination will be carried out. "
Highlighting the importance of independence, Akben said: "The partnership within the foundation should be clouded by neutrality and there should be no understanding that the partnership will treat customers differently. For this reason, we made arrangements with the understanding of being a judge. We watched their foreign counterparts. The notes will provide important accurate assessment by all banks and institutions in Turkey. He said.

Foreign Affairs wants partnership
national credit rating agencies, banks, private enterprises, foreign business interests to create conflict, partnership structure will not affect independence can participate. Until now, banks, participating banks and some foreign institutions have been in great demand.

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