Ahmet Ümit: We are all on the same boat


The author Ahmet Ümit said in his statement to the Sabah newspaper after the elections that his actions should be supported: "This country is neither a power nor an opposition. We are all on the same boat. If you are trying to drill gold, you are all hot. If Turkey, we are not "he said.

Ahmed said the morning newspaper known for its proximity to the hope AKP has interesting remarks.

hope, "This country is all that the government, nor the opposition. Changes in power and place of opposition when the time comes but the country remains. Turkey if we are not. we are all in the same boat. And if you try to pierce the bottom of the boat, we are all screwed. what remains the power, nor the opposition. he is not only fighting for criticizing the government. the opposition, the objective point of view must be done with respect. the decision of the disappearing who practice

There are some parts of the explanations of Ümit:

Acting with the phrase "As long as they come to power or if the country is baptized". How do you evaluate this point of view?

I never find that correct. This country is neither power nor opposition. When the time comes, the power and the opposition will change, but the country will remain. If we did not beat Turkey. We are all on the same boat. If you try to pierce the bottom of the doors, we are all hot. Do not stay in power or opposition. Only opposition is not done by criticizing power. The opposition must be made from an objective point of view. Criticism must be made against incomplete power practices, but actions must be supported. But the government must listen to the opposition and keep the dialogue open. I believe that politics is very important in the dialogue. If we listen to requests, requests and criticisms from one another, we will solve many of our problems. We must understand ourselves without prejudice and ideological belonging, we must understand. Politics should not be considered football. Even at Futbold, you need other teams. The more we see different points of view in politics, the more we become colorful. Why was the Ottoman Empire so powerful in the Roman Empire? Because there was a very colorful social structure. All cultural identities lived freely under the roof of the Ottoman Empire. It is necessary for us to continue this side of the Ottoman Empire, to be a stronger country.

Western values ​​such as freedom or human rights seem to make advocacy, but the real problem is another …
Of course, yes. If they gave democracy or freedom a lot of importance, they would not support Sisi's coup in Egypt. Like all states, they want to protect their own forces. What is important is to stand up and stand in front of the imperialist countries, but all the colors, all the voices, all the tendencies in the country must be free for that. A country is a powerful element that liberates freedom. A country in which its citizens freely take possession is still standing. So, if we are in unity and solidarity in Turkey, the imperialist powers can not harm us in any way. For that, we must embrace each other by releasing our prejudices. The ocean beyond what we think is a unitary country, how come from behind in the desert can not afford to split Turkey.

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