Alexandr Dugin, who knew Darbey in advance, spoke of name: If July 15 had been successful …


Alexandr Dugin, the second anniversary of the coup attempt, attracted attention. Turkish law platform held in Istanbul, Putin's adviser Speaking at the Symposium, Alexander Eurasism, known as Theoretical Marriage, "15 coup d'etat July attempt had succeeded, took out the civil war in Turkey. True 15th century hero of the Turkish people, "he said.

"In the sense that they will not control ERDOGAN …"

Dr. Alexander Dugin, July 15 night to the Turkish nation not the sacrifice of Turkey is not in this situation. Dugin said: "If the coup attempt succeeds, a new Iraq could become a new Syria.It was a civil war."

Dugin said the coup attempt State of July 15 was very different from the previous ones, he said: "Because the previous coup d'état was Kemalist coups d'etat. They were made as an extension of the Kemalist tradition. They also came out with such a statement on July 15th. They were completely undemocratic. This coup organized a parallel state. We are heading to Turkey was to bring all into a state. Fetish judges were down to earth, juvenile court judges. But then there was a split. Erdogan wanted to build a freer country, a more powerful country. Their goal was to destroy the deep state and establish a parallel state instead. Erdogan was a real son of the Turkish people. And that started a fight against this political shadow. They realized that they could not control Erdogan and attempt an attempted coup d'etat. "

On the other hand, Prof. Dr. İlber Ortaylı and the symposium informed the participants of the impacts and attempted coup d'etat in the late period of the Ottoman Empire. [19659006] [ad_2]
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