Ambitious statements for the "smart" structure of the Samsung Galaxy Note 9


  Samsung Galaxy Note 9

Samsung Every detail of Galaxy Note 9 is clearly known from the design and hardware side.

As I have already said, Samsung Galaxy Note 9, comes with the new version 2.0 of the Bixby Digital Assistant. Designed from scratch Bixby 2.0 for the first time, is the newest and newest member of the Note family. Version 2.0 that we say a lot better understand and respond to natural language, try to work much faster at the same time. Ice Universe also raises excitement in this regard. The source emphasizing that the new version is almost unrelated to the first version, says that the note 9 is more important for itself . Bixby developed by the firm Viv which Samsung bought the full 215 million dollars seems to be the subject of criticism. It is said that the weight of Viv who favored the founding of Apple Siri sets this pace. This shows that the special Bixby button of the Galaxy family will really work in the end. Galaxy Watch

The new smart clock with Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Galaxy Watch

The last week of our company The smart clock that it flees is curiously anticipated. When we look at the elegant appearance of the stylish Galaxy watch, is designed in two different sizes. Here it is said that a model will have a 1.2 inch screen and the other a 1.3 inch screen. To the extent that we can confirm, the model that will go on sale August 24 comes with the operating system Android Wear (WearOS) Tizen 4.0 . Galaxy Watch will have support for the digital assistant Bixby and will carry the battery 470 mAh with a version supported by LTE

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