ANALZ-Foreign Titles Kymet Stoku and BIST Foreign Share (eker Yatrm) Analyzes Prepared by "Securities in foreign currency Kymet Stoku Data CBRT Data to be provided to the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey 29


12.07.2018 16:28

Eker Yatrm ( Foreign investors
in the week of June-July 7 bought 81 million dollars in shares
because of price and currency effects, while DBS (Bonds)
including pensions bought $ 397 million in BIST 2% (19459004) increased 66 pips
to 17.43% (18.71%) while bond interest rates continued to rise in 2015. While the total share of foreign stocks reached 959 million in 2018, DIBS
354 million dollars US in 2018 Total foreign exchange and DIBS
was $ 605 million US $ 1.391 million in foreign exchange between the first week of February and the first week of June

After two weeks of entry in June the alien continues
while in the case of a weekly entry the public A SALTS It is useful to remember that you are influential
. Geen's foreign DBS stock (19459004), which was 18.02%, edged up to 18.15% this week. The foreign share of DBS is at a low level in recent years
In the BIST, an average of $ 70-80 million in admissions
is due to a 1% change in endeksteek. In 2016
BIST-100 rose 8.94% to 788 million dollars, while
increased 47.60% to 3,223 million dollars in foreign currency in 2017.
Since the end of the previous week
the BST 2018 Band performed better than the foreign KNA. This difference is
the weekly effort of foreigners to increase
to fill the gap.

BIST Foreign Equity

BIST Foreign stocks rose 62.50% in the week to 62.34% this week
(T-3's) level of 62.50% deki cleared). BIST Kasm rate
is the lowest level of foreign stocks since 2016. This week at BIST
we can see that 61% of the foreign share in
It is worth remembering that when the ship is foreign, it modifies the calculation of foreign shares of the new shares and blocks the operations of purchase and sale
registered in the ARC, as the next ASELS ASELS
. The foreign share remained below 63.50%
in the middle and middle of the BIST as the reaction of the elite
and expected to continue to be trendin. We must
that the foreign part for the trend of the BIST
confirms its foreign part
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That Do Not Link Deposits
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For this reason, only the information contained herein
is based on information

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