The US technology brand Apple introduced the iOS version 11.4.1, iPhone and iPad users, ahead of the iOS version 12 with a focus on performance and fixes of bugs.
Release notes that enhance the security of the iPhone and iPad with error fixes are as follows:
The latest version of the update, which improves the security of iPhone and iPad with error correction,
The security of emails, contacts and sync notes has been improved with Exchange accounts.
Release notes indicate that the battery problem that has revolted iOS 11.4 users has been resolved gives no information about. However, after updating the devices of all users, it is understood that the problem persists. In addition to iOS, Apple has also released updates to its TVOS, watchOS and HomePod operating systems.
Which iOS 11.4 can be installed on which iPhone and iPads? Here is a complete list of models that will be updated …
iPhone 6
iPhone 8
iPhone 7
iPhone 7
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