Applicants for tube babies may be required to "smoke"


Tobacco The fight in the context of a new determined roadmap of Turkey's fight against smoking document and action plan (2019-2023), in vitro fertilization mom and dad could be reached as part of the reimbursement of treatment costs

The Tobacco Control Strategy Paper and the 2018-2023 Action Plan were completed.

It was to imagine many new applications in the field to avoid the exposure of these products to the smoke of tobacco and tobacco products responsible for many health problems ranging from cancer to infertility, respiratory problems to cardiovascular disease.

According to the action plan, "Drop-and-Win" campaigns will be organized to encourage quitting.

Positive discrimination practices against non-smoking staff members will be misguided.

In this context, there may be requests of 30 minutes anticipated, 7 additional days of annual leave for 1 year, deduction of insurance premiums, no tax deduction for non-smoking tobacco companies, increase of family allowances

New arrangements and practices to encourage smokers of smokers to marry will also come alive. In this context, couples at the smoking cessation clinic (SBP) the application to the need, to provide free medication and band support may be concerned. [19659002] "Specific clinical guidelines and Turkey will be created" [19659002] Pregnant women, 18 years old against the six young and chronic diseases peculiar to the planned quit services.

for the treatment of said public smoking cessation special to Turkey specific clinical guidelines are created, continues to have specialized units that provide drug treatment services will be implemented.

also a refund tube baby treatment fee will be covered can meet the mother and it can be done to bring the condition of the cigarette to the candidate-father.

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