The TV series
The popular series of Atv Tell you The news of the writers of the Black Sea fell like bombs on the agenda!
In the days following the series signed Sinegraf, Emre Kabakuş
A second backstory appeared when the news was still alive, and the public rebelled.
One of the most striking projects on the screen with dialogues, lines and stories, the changes that took place on the part of the singer, the Black Sea, became a rebellion in the social media
Ayşe, who wrote and directed the history of the repertoire.
Do you know who heard the news? The viewer of the Black Sea has started to rebel social media.
This evolution, still lobbyist, is even mingled with its rumor
However, there is no precise information from the production company, nor from the chain or any other authority.
Supporters continue to communicate from social media that they are trying to obtain development information by calling Sinegraf.
Here is what the public says about these developments in social media: [19659000] "
"Did I send you a replica of" I believed in we, I thought we were not impossible for a moment. "
When the moon turns,
The title of Tenim ends in the night …
You'll go to his, #SanAnlatKaradeniz #VakitsizVeda pic.twitter.com/T2ih2VytdX
– Arrivals from Zeynepten (@Bucagin_zeynebi) 28 June 2018
This is our Tahir Deli A man in the hand, pursuing movements and crazy feelings As the character of Tahir changes, I leave the moment when the breathing is over. #Next Black Sea [19659000] pic.twitter.com/ QR8GUfUhGT
– Emel (@bayanemiliy) July 2, 2018
Explain that the Black Sea was left without NEFES
Once we have seen, no success is without punishment. After the reji team, the scriptwriter receives compensation for his work (!). I understand that you say goodbye to the Black Sea .. #Announce the Black Sea #SenAnatKaradeniz pic.twitter.com/Kn16Lp6yxf
– gnu (@__gnu__ ) (19459017)]
–Sea of the Sea Sea of the Sea
Sea of the Black Sea
Sea of the Sea
Sea of the sea – sena lack of writers 3 July 2018
What do these sunny days mean to say that they were not written in vain #AnnonceCaradeniz pic .twitter.com / HSgavuFFsp – Fena Halde Rivrivci (@FRivrivci) July 3, 2018
Ya #AnnouncementCaradeniz 2.Season to write the carpet and the school team is already elfatiha sequin teens
– GA ?кiηg?вєувi? (@ay_loveis) July 3, 2018
Now who are the songwriters who will write the cha nsons of the brave lullaby Breathe with Tahir's coming to the chest of the glaze is like the secret of the song Who writes …
I still do not believe that they let us hope … #Needtalk #NefTah– Darlandum (@ bedo4107) 3 July 2018
#Announcement BlackArmy I have not looked for such a plan. If it had changed, we would have had a pen. He said that he would be hearing social media.
Shuan is not something to talk about.– Zeyyiniz (@sevim_mrs) July 3, 2018
When I'm happy that there are days left for the start of new moves, come see me now how will they recover now ah ah ah . I am in love with the love of your conscience for your conscience, I am fascinated by your insistence on standing up to Tahir's morality. My breath, my little boy, who protects his mother with his little heart, sees me as a loser. #AnnouncementKaradeniz pic.twitter.com/xEyaxxnlKm
– I). (19459014)
– I begin to say that all the psychology of fandom that we started in the story of hope is broken, the osman exam is broken in my psychology melkimki) July 3, 2018
I do not like a series of writers in Istanbul, but I like to play a series of songs to trabzon, I love you instead of my love that just said that the superficial part of the gods Hello, but I want really spend the day on those dark clouds over the past, now I'm on the road #NefTah
] #SenAnlatKaradeniz #NehirFerdaGitmesin pic.twitter.com/F3KxQIg3Ga
– … ~ Ş ~ … (@ mikhailove22) 3 July 2018 #Neftah #Neftah Everyone except the c hebrities come out #AnnonceKaradeniz
– Teacher Ayşe Naz ?? (19459014)
– nihan (@tthatscliche) [19juillet2010] A single river and ferda of the language of the characters of the sea Black and the others understand them other than YA ZA MAZ July 2, 2018
Ortles: You are my love
new writers; – July 2, 2018
New writers who do not jostle things can not repair the script. What will be corrected? What will happen? They can not focus on the character. They can not get the right screen. – Vedat Sayar (@pvedatsayar) July 2, 2018
Hello but our writers are not going away # C is because the former screenwriters gave this year 1 year. Click on Click for irem helvacioglu news «PreviousNext
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