Aref Ghafouri cured by the cobra


Added: July 24, 2018 23:36 – Updated: July 24, 2018 23:38

The illusionist Aref Ghafouri was bitten on the wrist of his right hand by a kind of cobra while he was in the dark. he was preparing for the show in Antalya. squeezing with a rag arm to prevent the spread of venom in the body Aref Ghafouri Russian Deputy Yana had gone to Antalya Education and Research Hospital with Vinter.

did the first intervention and nights here that Aref, in the serum cobra Turkey in the absence in the format July 16

Twenty antidotes were administered to Aref, who was treated at the hospital from Kasr en-Nil to Cairo, capital of Egypt.

The illusionist Aref Ghafouri announced that he had shared his health since his Instagram account.

Aref Ghafouri We shared the photo of the Egyptian pyramids in front of the knee kneeling with the message "Thank you for your health in your prayers, thank you to all those who do not leave me even in the most difficult moments & # 39; 39 ;.

Here is the sharing of Aref

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