Arthralgia complies with vitamin D


Disease Specialist Dr. Tlay Kadolu said, "In Turkey, the lack of vitamin D is severe, and every 2 to 3 people are affected." Even in Antalya, where a significant portion of the population is affected, skull lacks vitamin D., arthralgia, muscle weakness, arthritis, fatigue, slow metabolism, depression and mood, etc. The best way to get enough vitamins is to have a healthy and balanced diet.

Memorial Hospital of Antalya Hospital, Uz. Dr. Tlay Kadı gave information about the health problems that can be caused by a lack of vitamin D.

"Looks like he's playing an active role"
Tead Kadı, who said that vitamin D is a bone, says, "Even though bone formation is complete, there is a risk of osteoporosis and glaucoma in vitamin D. In addition, there is a wet layer in the prevention of the problem of insulin resistance. such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, skin infections, rheumatic diseases, chronic fatigue and depression, etc. Cancer such as breast, uterine and intestinal cancers is a major problem in the lack of vitamins D, C and is one of the most important vitamins necessary for the growth and development, "he said.

"The office affects the vitamini value of yaam"
Recognizing that vitamins A and D are activated by UVA in the subcutaneous tissue of the Provitamin joint, Kadia explains, "The most important reasons for vitamin D deficiency are the deprivation of long withdrawal times. term in closed practices. If that is too much, it will cause kirelenmeye.Therefore, it is necessary to check the value regularly. "

"That's enough for 20 minutes every day"

Calving is the most important source of vitamins and is affected by these effects. Vitamin D is needed for 20 minutes of contact with the arms, legs and face of the body, If you have a darker skin color, it is necessary to consume vitamin D in the long term, long enough to get enough Vitamin D. D Vitamin is lower than other vitamins This means that only 20 percent can be consumed with food, which is enough for the amount of vitamin A. Even if you take it through diarrhea, you must change your body to make vitamin D beneficial. and nutrients such as vitamin supplements, saline nutrients of the soul and body such as vitamin D, alkaline vitamins, salmon tones, honey, oysters, eggs, cheese, ( 19659009)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {
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