PKK terrorists in their cars following the armed attack during the attack of the cars commanding the commander of the district gendarmerie Major Arslan Kulaksız ın, mother of two children injured during the same attack against the wife of his wife Sibel Kulaksız, "Çektar Soro" codified Muhammad Rock to talk about the neutralization of the defiant. The wife of the martyr Sibel Kulaksız, "martyrs to heaven, but I knew that his blood would not stay on the ground.The news of the death of terrorists threw water.Thank you to our presenters. the death of the terrorist was our party, "he said.
"I remember your face"
Saying that he was wounded in the same attack by the wife of the martyr, I saw the face of the terrorist. I promised myself there. My state has promised me. He ran, we pursued him. Thank God, our flag is up and we stand up. I found a note in your wallet after the death of my wife. Before, he was looking for his assassin as a terrorist, trying to find him. They had ambushed my wife. I saw this terrorist when they shot us. I remember everything and I did not spend three years in front of my eyes. I was waiting at that moment. I stayed with my children. The state has kept its promise.
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"Martyrs do not die"
Sibel Kulaksız, who told his wife that everyone was calling, is next to Father Eden Eş, said:
"He missed me so much, he has his memories everywhere in his hat, his belongings, everything at home, he has always kept us at home with nothing, his memories are memories standing, he lives in our hearts. I trusted my condition and I was persuaded and rewarded.
Koulaksiz greeted his house with a Turkish flag and hung a Turkish flag at the entrance of the building.
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