Famous actress, actress and screenwriter Ata Demirer, "Cem Yılmaz it's always a quota for me. It's a decisive intelligence and quality. I always take it seriously. If you ask me, View ener's Full Profile and Akpinar Metin"
CNN TÜRK & # 39; te & # 39;View Buket's Full Profile Ata Demirer, guest of the 40th program, answered the question: hep Do you have a name for yourself? Describing the names of Demirer, "I am asked if he also View ener's Full Profile and Akpinar Metin. I admire filmener's filmography, if only we had such an opportunity. O Ertem Egilmez and Arzu Films are not easy. Here he tries to continue the main flow of the veins, "he said.
"No competition between us"
Aydin "Is there a competition between you?" Demirer asked: "There is no competition between us, you start competing with yourself.You are trying to improve.In the beginning, Cem Yilmaz was, of course, mine.It is a Very talented guy, a special person, but when he starts to transform into himself, we feel the differences.Orum OrumI am a musician.When I felt the difference, I did a kind of peace with myself, but Cem is still a standard for me, both in film and on stage, found in the evaluation.
"I think that's right."
The demirer, Yilmaz, said that they had found the right comparisons, he said:
"Yes, it should be." Yes, that's the nature of the work. "It's not wrong, but I find it technically correct." Of course, it's wrong, but it's the nature of the work, so I accept it. "
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