T There are a variety of psychiatric problems, especially stress, under the condition of hair and hair called "trichotillomania". The tearing of hair or hair can increase in stressful situations, such as studying, in troubling moments or in difficult times. Specialist in Child Psychiatry and Adolescent Assoc. Dr. Mine Elagöz Yüksel noted that the breakthrough of hair and hair can also be seen in children and adolescents. Trichotillomania is a disturbance that is manifested by the yellow of the child's hair, eyelashes, eyebrows or other hair in the body, which indicates that the inconvenience caused. Assoc. Dr. Mine Elagöz Yüksel said: "It's repetitive, the child does not break his hair all the time, but repeats this behavior for a while."
or the eyebrow is drawn by drawing the assertion that Asst. Assoc. Dr. Mine Elagöz Yüksel said: "I feel a sense of pruritus in the area before giving relief after taking it, she knows that she does so whether it's involuntarily or unintentionally, but sometimes the child can hide it from his family. Yüksel said: "However, the most important underlying cause of this behavior is mental distress, which can increase in stressful situations, such as studying, disturbing moments, or anger." A child with trichotillomania should be examined by an adolescent child psychiatrist. "
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