first quarter of the year, which won the diesel engine option in 2018 Honda Civic, now curiously in sales with the expected diesel-automatic combination.
New generation offered by Honda diesel engine version February sales in the Turkey market that a critical deficiency for the completed Civic family. The diesel-automatic combination that should be long by vehicle enthusiasts who can be purchased with Sedan and Hatcback body types, has now been officially included in the table options. The Civic Sedan-Civic Hatcback models, made with the announcement of pricing information as part of a special promotional event held in Izmir, can only be purchased with sets of material Elegance and Executive . There is a price tag such as in the entry version in which the 9-speed automatic transmission is used.
DTEC diesel engine with a manual gearbox version of the combined long-term options 121.000 TL we know that one such price has entered Turkey. Of course, users will not be very happy to see the ride after the 6 months time limit and the entry level of the automatic gear option even exceeds the figure of 155,000 TL. The prices of the models delivered with the diesel engine producing 120 hp and 300 Nm of torque are the following:
Civic Sedan
Elegance Hardware Package – 9-Speed Automatic Transmission – 1.6 Diesel Engine liter – Elegance Hardware Set – 9-speed automatic transmission – 1.6-speed automatic transmission – Civic Hatcback
Elegance Hardware Set – 1.6 Honda Civic
Overall elegant equipment – 9-speed automatic transmission – 1.6 liter diesel engine – 158,000 TL
Honda Civic [19659000]! b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callmethod?
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Tags announced automatic Civic diesel Engine Honda price transmission Turkey