The Great Unity Party (BBP) rejected the MKYK Congress's great demand. Vice President of the BBP Unsal Karabulut "The great congressional demands of some MKYK members have often been rejected."
The BBP MKYK meeting was chaired by President Mustafa Destici
Deputy President Karabulut, in his written statement after the meeting, declared that Depici's election in the Presidential Alliance was commended by members of the MKYK and wished him success in his work.
Karabulut, who said that BBP would be represented in the Meclist after 10 years of recruitment, expressed great happiness.
"In the MKYK, President Sayın Recep Tayyip Erdogan was elected President and President of the Republic .345 is good for our country, he will be represented by deputies and are cast both in the execution of the opening of the front of Turkey in the Legislative Assembly.
be represented by at least 5 deputies of the BBP Cumhur Alliance to provide further contribution to this association by that the expectations of all MKYK members, community, lack of yaratsa sadness felt that it is important to win the country.The major demands of Congress of some members of the FMC have been largely rejected.
Karabulut was elected in the elections , the country, nationality, Turkish Islamic geography, and the President of the Republic of Turkey, in particular Recep Tayyip Erdogan, to the BBP community, at the election of the General Assembly,
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