Quartz compared the medium-term price trend of Bitcoin from 2014 to 2018. Attention was drawn to the similarity of the correction in 2014 and the correction in 2018. According to Quartz, the current price correction for Bitcoin could be considerably shorter than the 2014 correction, depending on the price movement from December 2017 to June this year.
Bitcoin knows a faster version of the 2014 patch
Quartz says the Bitcoin price has dropped 80% in the 400-day period from December 4, 2013 to January 4, 2015. This tarihe was the worst bitcoin fix. Over the next 4 months, Bitcoin has recovered and recovered its old value. Bitcoin lost 70% in 2014 in 300 days. In 2018, the 72% depreciation of Bitcoin continued for a period of 200 days. As a result, the decline of Bitcoin was much faster than before.
According to Quartz, there are great similarities between this year's correction and the four-year correction. But the main difference between them: the speed of decline.
According to analysts, Bitcoin could rise quickly
BitMEX CEO Arthur Hayes said on June 30: "The price trend of BTC is comparable to the price trend of BTC up to 2014 In an interview, Bitcoin could fall between $ 3,000 and $ 5,000. Now, Hayes says demand can increase with positive regulations:
"Certainly, BTC can reach $ 50,000 by 2018. I think that $ 20,000 a year (Bitcoin) can make up to $ 6,000. I think we can find a base between $ 3,000 and $ 5,000. However, with a positive ETF approved by the SEC, the price could rise to $ 20,000 or even $ 50,000 by the end of 2018.
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