Blood pressure and heart medicine sales containing Chinese valsartan have been discontinued


Chinese origin 'valsartan' containing blood and heart medicine sales was arrested the last minute details of our news 15 July, 2018 Sunday

after the study launched by the Ministry of Health , licensed in Turkey, with different forms of packaging "for valsartan" contains 33 items It was determined that China was providing the active ingredient. 13.07.2018 – 16:06 | Updated: 13.07.2018 – 17:20.

According to the news in the site of Haberturk Array Click for more details

Details of the news to read from the source To stop the sale of blood pressure and heart drugs containing Chinese valsartan

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Chinese origin 'valsartan' in the sale to include blood pressure and heart drugs was stopped

after the study launched by the Ministry of Health, licensed in Turkey, different Packaging forms has been provided by China for 33 products containing "valsartan". 13.07.2018 – 16:06 | Updated: 13.07.2018 – 17:20.

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