The WHO and the United Nations Children's Fund published today a report indicating that three out of every five children born in the world, about 78 million, were not breastfeeding. their breast milk in the following hour. Global health officials have pointed out that babies should feed their mothers' bosoms within an hour to reduce the risk of death in infants and ensure their health for life.
According to doctors, emmina stimulates the production of breast milk and the production of colostrum, rich in food and antibodies, known as the baby's first vaccine. The doctors noted that feeding babies with breast milk within the first hour after birth reduced their risk of death and obesity, while providing maternal protection against breast cancer and breast cancer. 39, ovary and diabetes 2.
The WHO announced that a two-hour delay between the birth of the baby and the birth of sora has been prolonged. a year until the death of one in three babies, and that one day delayed the risk. Experts said that during the first hour of work, breastfeeding reduces the risk of death and gives life-long resistance to life-threatening infections. The researchers found that babies who were not breastfed within the first hour after birth had a high risk of death during the first 28 days of life. It was noted that the raporda issued by WHO should receive support and assistance if the mother had difficulty breastfeeding.
Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, a WHO doctor, urges family members, health workers, employers and the government to support mothers to to give them the best life possible [19659007Lesmédecinsontditquel'émulsionstimulelaproductiondelaitmaterneletlaproductiondecolostrumquiestricheennourritureetenanticorpsconnucommelepremiervaccindubébéLesmédecinsontdéclaréquel'alimentationdulaitmaterneldanslapremièreheureaprèslanaissanceréduitàlafoislerisquededécèsetl'obésitéfournissantuneprotectionmaternellecontrelecancerduseinetdel'ovaireetlediabète2
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