Canal B – Military Military in Syria


In the city of Haseke in Syria, a soldier who can not yet be identified … The United States of America, the weapons of the PYD / PKK-ya terrorist soldiers were sold to the market black …. The Hollywood star Angelina Jolie srd terrorist attacks came with Syrian refugees in Iraq.

A vague military vassal in Haseke, northern Syria

The fact that Mshaweh was about to kill the enemy …

On the other hand , the United States

ddialara gre, terrorists sell American weapons on the black market to cover their own expenses …

In Iraq, terrorist events are sryor.

A regiment commander in attack in the city of Kerkk lost his life

Saldr was arrested while he was looking for security guards

Meanwhile, Intena Angelina Jolie of the League of Nations went to Iraq.

Jolie met with activists living in the Domiz refugee camp in Iraq, the defensive cap in Syria.

Syrian Ronya's mcadelesi influenced the American star to the point that only one person had to look at me.

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