Concordat for the Canet Meat Retailer Required


retail One of the most important actors of the meat sector and branches of Istanbul Esenyurt districts, Bağcılar, Zeytinburnu, is concentrated in Canet stores connected to Diltat Food Construction. San. Tic. Limited Sti., Wanted to lift the financial bottleneck.


Shortly after the transfer of the headquarters of the company from Istanbul to Tekirdağ Çerkezköy, the case was filed with a demanding cause. In the case brought before the Çerkezköy Civil Court of First Instance, it was noted that if the company was concorded, its activities could be carried out effectively.


The court granted the company three months' notice. With this decision, he appointed Kenan Doyran as acting advisor for the audit of the company's activities. There are nearly 40 Canet stores in Diltat Gıda.

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The owner of the company, Numan Turan, asked the concordat "the fluctuation of the economy, the rise in interest rates of credit and a program of anthra on the agenda, because the sector has affected us negatively ", did he declare. Turan, the concordance with the decision of the company will enter a recovery, he said.

On the other hand, some of the stores operated under the name of Canet were related to a company called B. Gıda.

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