Debates on "leadership and change" that began in the CHP after the June 24 presidential and parliamentary elections become official today after a long three-week period. The CHP will go to the extraordinary session elected in 45 days if the signing process is officially started and there is a qualified majority after 15 days.
Opponents will hold a press conference today at 11:00 am in the Assembly. A representative representing the legislature, a mayor representing local governments, a representative of provincial and district representatives representing the organization, a representative of women and youth, and a representative of the first decision-making body of the CHP will make a statement. declaration. Opponents at the meeting, selectively call for an extraordinary convention and will declare that they have begun the formal signing process. Names close to Slim, across Turkey found
the delegate who wants to change about 900 in 81 provinces part of their "wait and see" tactics. The right team agrees that in the first two days the required signature will garner the majority. Opponents need at least 625 signatures to collect the elected congress. Provincial and district organizations that are in need of change and are close to the beginning are starting to sign by notary right now. In some provinces and districts, it is planned to go to the notary to have no problem to make a "show hull".
According to the report of İklim Üngel of Cumhuriyet, he finds a period of 15 days between the first signature and the last signature for the collection of the extraordinary general meeting elected. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) in the event that dissidents achieving a qualified majority of the number of delegates within 15 days must submit signatures to headquarters, and the President of the Kemal General Assembly Kılıçdaroğlu must convene the Congress within 45 days at the latest) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callmethod?
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