Developing a method to prevent the proliferation of cancer cells


Researchers at Vanderlit University in the United States have developed a method that prevents cancer cells from multiplying by depriving cancer cells of growth by depriving them of their gelulamine enzyme


Cancer cells multiply twice as fast as normal cells

Scientists, who report that cancer cells divide and multiply twice as fast as normal cells, are responsible for the growth of cancer cells .

Researchers have developed a carrier molecule blocking the synthetic enzyme, V-9302, to block the function of ACST2

It has been shown that B cells increase the rate of death. ACST2 in their body because they need more glutamine for biosynthesis.

In laboratory experiments, it has been shown that enzymes inhibit the growth and proliferation of cancer cells and lead to cell death with oxidative damage.

Experimental results can be used in the treatment of cancer

The results of the study were published in Nature Medicine.

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