When the questions from the DGS were answered, it was difficult or easy to study the question. DGS exams were held among the curious subjects. The vertical transfer examination was held on July 21, 2018. In the OMS, a numerical and verbal portion of the aptitude test was applied. The examination began at 10:15 and the response time was 150 minutes. The test to be applied to the examination consisted of multiple choice questions. Exam participants are anxiously waiting to announce the points they will mark. They try to calculate their expected scores by looking at the DGS exam questions and their answers. There is still no official explanation of the questions and when the answers will be announced. A preliminary achievement point (PPP) will be calculated for each candidate applying to the DGS, taking into account the academic average of the associate's degree. Candidates 2018-DGS will be removed from YÖKSIS and transferred to the OSYM archive on electronic media for those who have an academic average in YÖKSIS. This information will be used in calculating the ÖPP. Candidates who miss / correct their knowledge of YÖKSIS should contact their university to correct this information. The associate's academic grade points will be converted to Associate Diploma Achievement Score (multiplied by 0.8, the highest 100, the lowest 50). Thus, the lowest score of 50 will be the ÖPP 40 value, the highest score of 100 will be the ÖPP value of 80.
Candidates of the &PP. DGS review have presented their views on the review on social media platforms. Here are some of these comments …
– DGS was very easy compared to last year. I did 40 maths with my math skills, and I shook the remaining 20 without ever working.
– Thanks to Dgs, I learned the lifestyle of the animal called the platypus, thanks
– Dgs is a verbal liar that I finished in 1.5 hours.
Dissatisfied Kpss, I'm going to work, I do not want to live in a lys case
– In addition, open math questions were released as a verbal section. When mathematics was verbal
– I took my treats to make sure they were not giving me sugar, so I had no sugar. So wow, sir, why the exam is not going well
– Now I ask you. Orally, what is the perspective of?
– When I arrived at my brother's OMS, I think the difficulty of the examination was directly proportional to the pen boxes in the trash container
– Thank you DGS burned my brain.
I bring it to the dgs 2018
– Dgs bring me the box, I'm not the robot I mark # DGs2018
– The day Dgs arrives.Drags get dgsye.Dgs get them horns, knocking the students. Explosive, Dgs 1 # dgs2017
– My sir was making phone calls in airplane mode. I can not test it. # Dys2018
– # DGS is my only winner again with a pen and eraser
– I've solved 4 math questions and discovered the consequences, I did not wait for the bi biallallion bi hani #DGS
a test of compound ability of digital and verbal parts will be applied. The exam will start at 10:15 and the response time will be 150 minutes.
Applicants are required to submit the results of the examination to TC OSYM ID numbers and passwords at the time of the examination. internet address sonuc.osym.gov.tr or mobile applications will learn. Candidates will not receive a result document. The information on the results announced on the internet page are communicated to the candidates.
a) The number of correct and incorrect answers in the numerical and verbal parts of the test
b) The success score of the associated mark
c) The 2018-DGS scores (scores according to the types of points which could be used for placement) 19659004] ÖSYM provided the "Outcome Document Control System" process to ensure the validation of test result documents for candidates. At the bottom of the test results documents, a "Result Document Control Code" is randomly generated by the system to be used for this purpose.
How to perform the DGS point calculation
For calculating the DGS point, it is of course necessary to obtain the results in the first place. The numerical and verbal standard scores calculated with the scores obtained by the multiple choice tests, the pre-graduation pass scores, are mixed to calculate the DGS scores that can be taken as a basis for the placement of the candidates.
Verbal Dgs: 87.747 + (Net Verbal x 1.681) + (Net Net x (x) for all candidates, the points will be collected by multiplying by the coefficients of the table and the total will be the relevant DGS score 0.315) + Weighted Associate Diploma completion score x 0.6)
Digital Dgs: 105.536 + (Verbal Net x 0.336) + (Net Net x 1.575)
Rating of D & # 39; weighted associate degree completion: Participants can enter 80 as graduates with good grades, 65 as finishers in the middle order and 50 as finishers in the final order.
Oral Net x 1.009) + (Quantitative Net x 0.945) The standard numeric and verbal scores calculated from the points that the candidates have drawn from the tests and the DGS points that can be taken as a basis for the candidates will be calculated using the pre-graduate achievement scores (ÖBP). The standard numerical and verbal scores that will form the DGS score and the coefficients determining the weights of the preliminary pass score are given in Table A. The scores of each candidate will be multiplied by the coefficients of the table, and the sum to be found will generate the score. DGS relevant to the candidate. The DGS score of candidates who obtained at least 0.5 gross points in both tests will be calculated. The DGS score of candidates who do not have at least 0.5 gross points in both tests will not be calculated. The correct and incorrect answers given by the candidates to the test questions will be collected separately, separately from the numerical and verbal portions of the aptitude test, and the raw scores will be obtained by subtracting one from the number of incorrect answers from the correct number of the test. reply. The averages and standard deviations of the raw scores obtained from each of the numerical and verbal sections of all the candidates will be calculated separately and the raw scores of the candidates will be converted into standard scores with an average of 50 and a standard deviation of 10 Thus, for each candidate, the Standard Digital Score and the Standard Verbal Score will be calculated.
For the numerical and verbal parts of the aptitude test, the correct and incorrect answers given by the candidates to the test questions will be collected separately and the raw scores will be obtained by subtracting a number incorrect answers. The means and standard deviations of the raw scores obtained from each of the numerical and verbal sections of the candidates will be calculated separately and the raw scores of the candidates will be converted into standard scores with an average of 50 and a standard deviation of 10. [19659004]
After the examination, the questions decided to be canceled by the OSYM presidency or by the judicial authorities will be noted by reassessing the points of the valid questions.
An achievement score before graduation will be calculated for each candidate applying to the UMR 2018
The MSc Academic Score in 2014- Those who have averages will be taken from YÖKSIS and transferred to OSYM archives in the electronic environment. This information will be used in calculating the ÖPP. (19659004)
In the Presidency of the Council of Higher Education, published in the Official Journal of 4 August 2012 and numbered 28374, the deficient / corrective candidates in their knowledge of YÖKSIS must address their own. universities to correct this information ("Information on Vocational Schools and Open Educational Associate Degree Programs continuing to the Bachelor's Regulation on Undergraduate Education Professional Schools and Degree Programs"). 39; open education associate published in the Official Journal dated 19/2/2002 and numbered 24676 The third sentence of Article 7 of the Regulation was amended as follows:
"Academic average score obtained for Associate Degrees
The Student Selection Examination Center (ÖSYM) determines the vertical transfer exam score and places it in the exam guide. vertical ansfert. "2018- Graduate Diploma in 2018- DGS will be added to the exam scores calculated as follows:
will be converted to a degree from the Associate's Degree Score ( ÖBP) by multiplying by 0.8. Thus, the lowest score of 50 will be the ÖPP 40 value, the highest score of 100 will be the ÖPP value of 80. The scores below 50 will be considered 50. The achievement score of A partner calculated in this way will be calculated by adding the score obtained from the central examination to the candidate's placement score. All scoring systems will be converted to a ranking system of 100 by setting the correct proportions.
Candidates; After learning the exam results, they will learn when and how to do the selection process on the OSYM website http://www.osym.gov.tr. Applicants are required to take advantage of the Preference Guide published by the OSYM website during their preference for graduate programs. Table 2 should be carefully considered before preferences can be made properly. In this tablature, the area to be graduated from the Associate Program will be determined and it will be determined in what areas undergraduate programs may be preferred.
Table 1 lists codes, names, quotas, teaching points, length of schooling, and undergraduate program conditions that can be transferred vertically.
Applicants should place their preferences in Table 1 careful consideration of the conditions and explanations of field licensing programs before terminating their preferences. Programs that do not meet the requirements should not be preferred. If the conditions do not conform, it is the responsibility of the community to choose the problems that may arise in relation to the program that it has chosen and placed. In the placement process, the order of preference is important provided that enough pins are available. Therefore, while the preferences are made, it's a convenient way to organize the most desired programs to start from the most desired. Candidates will write their graduate programs that they want to transfer vertically into the corresponding field according to their wishes. A candidate can make up to 30 Table-1 selections, provided that he meets the requirements, among the programs related to the field in which he is graduating. It is not mandatory to use all preferences. Once the preference is complete, the list of printer preferences should be retrieved and stored. Candidates who have completed the preferences notification process will be able to change their preferences in the "Preference Period" on the Internet at https://ais.osym.gov.tr. Candidates wishing to make changes to their preferences will do so electronically. No cancellation of preference. Changes in preferences, partial or complete cancellation of preferences, etc. Requests for changes will not be processed at our headquarters. Preferences can not be changed after the preference period is over. Candidates should check their preference information at https://ais.osym.gov.tr in the "preference period" after completing the preference process and keep them by taking the preference list. of the printer.
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