Disgusting at Ataturk Airport! Looking at the Brazilian model …


For three years, the case can not be reached because it can not be reached one way or the other. According to the indictment prepared by the Bakırköy general prosecutor's office, the event that took place on August 6, 2015 was as follows: the angelic Brazilian Lino De Carvalho Atatürk (19659002) I came to the airport and entered the city bus. After a while, S.K., in the same bus, tried to be satisfied by watching Angelica Lino De Carvalho.


Carvalho stated in his complaint: "I was sitting in the car by the side of the window, a 45-year-old man was sitting next to the window on the crosswind This man started looking at me and started teaching me again, and he started looking at me and putting his right hand in his pants, licking his cock and masturbating, so I looked up the eyes and I looked at it. "


The suspect SK who received the statement on SK complaint" I suffer from psoriasis, inflammation and scarring in most parts of my body, it constantly scratches me, I started to scratch on the way, I even scratch my legs by putting it once in my pants.


The Office of the Prosecutor said the prosecutor's office was assessing the defendant's suspicions in the indictment prepared by him to save himself. The prosecution suspects are SK


The defendant in the case Bakırköy 28th Criminal Court of First Instance did not attend arrest of the accused in the case of "sexual harassment" for charges of 6 months to 3 years. The court ruled that medical documents received from the Konya Ereğli State Hospital should be forwarded to the Institute of Forensic Medicine. In the article sent to the Forensic Institute, please send our file to the nearest forensic authority with the defendant to send a report and a file to our court on the case. existence of the disease in the crotch region and if this disease is a disease of quality. n.fbq = function () {n.callMethod (n), where n is an integer greater than or equal to n,?
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