Do sunscreens really protect our skin? – Latest news, last minute news, Turktime information portal


According to the Turkish language of the BBC, In theory, 15 factors protect sunscreens against the harmful rays of the sun. Experts working on volunteers said that 30 or 50 factor sunscreens are needed to be safe.

Experts have tested how well-preserved creams provide protection to varying degrees


Anthony Young however stated that the 50% factor sunscreen is generally applied to provide 40% protection. How to drive

A thick layer of sunscreen should be applied, which is not the case for most people

The level of protection offered by creams is determined by the assumption that the skin will be 2 milligrams per square centimeter

More than half a ball of sugar:

each cola

The face, neck and neck ears

More than a sugar spoon:

Each bass

For chest and abdomen

According to the recommendations of the British Dermatology Foundation: The edges, temples and ears of the boyne are often forgotten and the abundant amount of cream should be applied to these areas.

The cream should be applied for 15 to 30 minutes before going out in the sun and allowed to dry

Shortly after the release, additional creams should be applied to avoid jumps and a thick layer of thickness sufficient

Some sunscreens are applied to the market because they are water resistant.

However, 85% of these sunscreens are wiped after being made with towels.

Another important element is the reflection of the sun's rays that increase the power of the radiation as it grows.

Light skin is easily burned on the sun, while those with stained, blood-stained bodies, red or light hair, and colored eyes are most vulnerable to the sun's harmful rays.

Nina Goad of the British Dermatology Foundation says that "this research is why the cream is over 30 factors and more, and that sunscreen is not used to avoid more sun protection methods reliable. "


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