Donates $ 61 Million to Government Donation Campaign – Bank Loans


<img width = "682" height = "350" src = "" wp-post-image aligncenter "alt =" $ 61 Million Donation to Government Giving Campaign title = "$ 61 Million Donation to Government Giving Campaign" srcset = "https: // -umit-fonu.jpg 682w, /maleese-hukumeti-umit-fonu-300×154.jpg 300w "sizes =" (max-width Malaysia was arrested for the corruption of former Prime Minister Necip Rezak The new Malaysian government has created a "fund of 39; hope "for volunteer citizens to donate money to cover the wounds of the Rezakan period and refine the country

The money raised in the" fund of hopes "reached 41 million dollars

In Malaysia, the government plans to pay the Former Prime Minister Necip Rezak's external head, about 252 billion dollars

"Umit The fund made a voluntary donation, and the fund would have reached 40 million dollars at the end of the prospect that the new government was able to quickly strangle the country's wounds and pay off its debts.

The people of Malaysia said that "She gave up to $ 41 million." In the written statement of the Ministry of Finance, it was stated that the amount collected at the termination of the Fund Ümit in two months reached $ 41 million.

The Malaysian Minister of Finance, Lim Guan Eng, pointed out that they were not setting a target for festival funding, pointing out that donations made by Malaysians could be used for the good of the country. On May 30, the donation to Malaysia began with a donation of $ 1.76 million.

How is the former prime minister engaged?

The 1MDB fund, established in 2009, has been transformed into the financial center of the capital Kuala Lumpur, aimed at strengthening the country's economy through strategic investments. However, the fund took note in 2015 while it was not able to repay its $ 11 billion in bank debt. Later, the American Wall Street Journal reported that seven hundred million dollars belonging to this faction had been transferred to Najib's personal accounts.

The value of money, luxury goods, bags and jewels seized in raids was $ 273 million. The census, which can be done in 5 weeks, has been reported to be the most expensive piece of Rezak and his wife, 567 handbags, over 400 watches, 1400 necklaces, 2200 rings and 14 crowns.

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