Dried nuts increase sperm quality


In a study presented at the annual meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology in Barcelona, ​​scientists divided two groups of 119 healthy men, aged 18 to 35 years.

In the first group, 60 grams of crustaceans were added to the daily nutrients of men. The second group consumed the same food they ate, with the exception of the first group.

After 14 weeks of study, men fed walnuts increased their sperm by 14%, their vitality by 4%, their mobility by 6% and their size and shape (morphology) by 1% [19659004] On the other hand, scientists say that omega-3, found in nuts, support research that shows that antioxidants and B vitamins also increase fertility, while highlighting that this research is done on healthy men. (d.getElementById (id)) {return;} js = d.createElement (s)

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