Dry eye can lead to loss of vision in the future


Untreated dry eye disease may result in vision loss in the future, Dr. Memorial Hospital of the Department of Ophthalmology of Ankara. Bekir Sıtkı Aslan informed him about dry eye and treatment.

Sometimes he expressed tears of joy and sadness, and he noticed that these few drops of tears accompanying the senses actually had very important functions

. Aslan said: "The tears secreted by the tissues inside the eyelids have a much more important function, such as preventing problems associated with the friction of the eye with the eyelid.These secretions, which we are not conscious, form a layer of homogeneity on the front of the cornea, called "tear film layer." This layer is composed of mucin at the bottom and fluid tears between the two.When our eyelid is open and closed 20 times per minute at a certain rate, for example, the tear is evenly dispersed in the eye, and the problems between the eyelashes and the lid of the eye are also eliminated. It does not secrete as much as the tear means that we are facing an important situation. "

Aslan said that one in two people in the society was suffering from an eye disease, and the problem of l & # 3 9, dry eye is seen in 40 percent of society. This disease, seen in nearly one in two people, causes no symptoms. Burning, tingling, foreign body sensation, burning eyes, difficulty opening the eyes at first, waking up in the morning, and lessening the desire to open the eyelids in the evening.

The causes of dry eye

Lion said that the cause of dry eye disease is many reasons:

o If allergic and bacterial infections do not do not function of the eyelid glands, can not reach.

o Changes in the cornea are a major problem for many serious problems. Changes in the cornea, that is, the bulge in front of the eye, can cause visual loss that we can not control over time.

o The hormonal mechanisms that control secretions in the mucous membranes of our body are another cause of dry eye development.

Dry eye can also occur in systemic diseases that maintain our immune system.

o Environmental pollution and exposure to harmful lights in the eye are other reasons why dry eyes appear.

"If dry eye disease is not treated, the use of contact lenses can be a problem. Aslan said, "If a cataract surgery is the problem, it's not fair to wear high-tech lenses that are far and near this surgery, and most importantly, it's not possible to have a comfortable life. For this reason, the treatment of dry eyes in these people must not only be a matter of patient comfort but also an essential approach in terms of the function of the eye.

The use of a computer causes dry eye disease

One of the side effects of prolonged use of the computer is the reduction of the blink reflex. When we use a computer, we usually look at the same place without breaking our eyes. If the person plays on the computer, the flashing reflex is greatly reduced. As the blink reflex decreases, the tear does not disperse homogeneously and signs of dry eye appear. A dry eye can be encountered as a result of each mechanism, including cover deformities that will prevent the even distribution of tears.

Aslan also reports on the treatment of dry eyes, ocular myopia, hypermetropic treatment before laser surgery is needed to treat the problem from the dry eye. If dry eye disease is laser treated without treatment, dry eye problems will further disturb the patient. Laser treatment can also cause dry eye problems. Because when the laser beam is applied, the nerve fibers are cut in the layers and cutting these fibers can trigger the development of the dry eye.

Examination of the detailed view at the first stage of treatment

"If a person complains of burning, stinging and dry eye sensation, he must consult an ophthalmologist." Aslan said, "When dry eye disease is diagnosed, the factors that cause it should be studied. It should be checked if there is a problem with inflammation or the immunological system on the covers. The dry eye table is related to excessive evaporation, or only because of the lack of tear, they must be separated in detail. A series of exams is necessary for the differential diagnosis. Measure the amount of tears to be done with a test to determine if there is inflammation in the eye as well as to determine when to break the tears. Osmolarity tear test is very useful in the diagnosis. The evaluation of dry islets by drawing the topography of the cornea is very helpful in deciding on the display of the Meibomial glands that secrete the lid. The method of treatment is determined after the missing parameter in the formation of the tear layer is determined. Treatment is also a long-term process that requires patient compliance. (FIRST)

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