Electricity and natural gas reached the R & D center


Electricity and natural gas distribution companies continue their research and development (R & D) activities. Over the past four years, the energy sector in Turkey's electricity distribution system of international quality standards, the level of the budget of R & D projects for the supply of l & # 39; Infrastructure has exceeded 136 million pounds. [19659002] 150 PROJECT ACCEPTANCE [19659003] Since 2014, the electricity and natural gas distribution companies, the Regulatory Energy Market Institution (EPDK) 409 has requested a R & D project, 150 of them were accepted. 131 of these projects were prepared by electricity distribution and 19 by natural gas distribution companies. Companies completed 48 EPDK approved projects. The budget of the R & D projects accepted in four years amounted to 136 million 477 thousand lire. Projects accepted for the size of the electricity distribution budget 128 million 146,000 pounds, natural gas projects reached 8 million 330,000 pounds. It is reported that there are many underground projects in the EMRA, such as lowering leakage rates, the prior identification of problems, improving the satisfaction of customers, improving the health and safety of employees and developing emergency plans.


Given the distribution of R & D projects accepted according to subjects, it was found that the projects of "monitoring and control" were intensively observed.


With regard to project monitoring and control, 22 projects are underway on hardware technology, 21 network communications, 17 communication technologies, 9 loss reduction projects, lighting and 6 projects on health and safety at work [ad_2]
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