Elon Musk is forbidden


Elon Musk, one of the world's most popular names, started doing a lot of social media interaction on Twitter after the Facebook account that he closed in the past. Through sharing and interaction with subscribers, there are not many people who are interested in this account. At this point, Twitter came in and brought a ban on behalf of Elon Musk!

Those who are interested in crypto money have begun to copy the names of popular accounts and use the links for their own work with the links that they have distributed. For Elon Musk, one of the most used names, the importance of Twitter is extremely clear.

Users with the Elon Musk account name posted on Twitter are blocked instantly. If this account is not an approved account, a "Humanity test" is performed in order to become active again. The blocked account must be verified by its owner, its phone number and CAPTCHA.

The main goal of this work is to be able to completely disable bot accounts, rather than blocking parody and imitation accounts. According to ShiftDelete, open bots accounts with fake account names can extend the links required for processing encrypted parts to an incredible user base by automatically sharing the most popular accounts. The fact that SpaceX and Tesla's CEO, Musk, are aware of this is also a remarkable detail. A question was asked to him, Musk, stating that he was wondering who ran Etherium boots, seems to be influenced by his skills.

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