Dr. Barda Yurtseven Tüner said that the lines and wrinkles on the face will end with the botox.
Dermatologist Barda Yurtseven Tuner, "Botox, Clostridium Botulinum is a medicine obtained from a named bacterium, used to loosen muscles.The muscles that allow us to make facial movements are attached to the skin on them. years, the muscles create visible lines and wrinkles at the bottom.The Botox substance movements are injected into the muscle group region where they want to be restricted. "
Muscles that are restricted in motion are loosened and wrinkles in this area are lost in a short time. Tüner, "a more peaceful and younger appearance occurs.A bottle made of Botox appears to be flat, without wrinkles.The eyebrows move less and it is harder to frown.After the third month, this effect decreases and the muscles slowly return to their previous movement towards the sixth month.Recurring applications have a more lasting effect over time, and botox significantly slows down the aging process, especially on the face.Botox injections must be done every 6 months. months in the first treatments and once a year after regular treatments are very successful.For patients with larger facial muscles (such as men) or those with more facial muscles, more frequent treatments may require more treatment. Botox injections are often "dragged" by the facial muscles to move too much.
After two years, people regularly treated with Botox showed a marked decrease in their muscles and a change in their facial expression. Tüner, "For this reason, it is recommended that applications be made at longer intervals after the second year.The side effects of Botox injections are minimal and temporary.A mild headache may be a bruise that heals in a few days and can be covered with makeup.According to the defective application, if the botoxist slips to a point near the eyelid, there may occur a situation in which the upper eyelid sinks temporarily down However, it is a very rare side effect. "
The influence of mimicry depends on the site of injection and the amount of drug administered. "The characteristics of the drug, the methods of administration and the experience of the practitioner are the most important factors affecting success." (Mimetic) movements that cause wrinkles on the forehead and eyebrows will be avoided, and if desired, the muscles can be applied so that they remain slightly in motion.The face is not affected by the injections of other muscles.The drug is only effective in the application area.You can only have a lunch break in ten minutes, and you can get a more tense and crease-free look with the botox, and at the same time you can say that stopping the facial expressions that increase your wrinkles for at least 6 months will help you get older. "(1965, p, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callmethod?
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