Acun Ilıcalı suggested to ex-wife Zeynep Yılmaz, divorced from Şeyma Subaşı, to comment on the issue of separation after being included in the magazine's agenda.
According to press spokesman Zeynep Yilmaz, British designer Zeynep Kartal living in England last night won the runway podium. After the divorce of Acun Ilıcalı and Şeyma Subaşı, Yılmaz turned to the public for the first time after the news of the divorce. Yilmaz drew attention with his professional attitude on the podium and was perceived as being very cheerful.
After the fashion show with Acun Ilıcalı about Zeynep Yilmaz's divorce near the environment, Şeyma Subaşı's divorce, "It would be like that.
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