Experts believe that the increase in male infertility is caused by nutritional errors, late marriages and technologies.
Male infertility in our country is increasing in recent years. Altınbaş University Hospital Bahçelievler Medical Park Specialist in Urology Assoc. According to Abdulkadir Tepeler, one of the leaders is technology.
Sperm are produced in the eggs found in the testicles, said Tepeler, such as laptops on the knees, which causes the eggs to warm up. Sitting and lying down on the hills also causes an increase in temperature inside the testicles. The hills also say that it is impractical to sit long with your legs crossed or on a heated floor.
Provide information on Hills male reproductive health, the undergarments should not be narrow, the hot tub and the long hours spent in the bathrooms permanently impair the quality of sperm, does it? he declares.
Another issue recommended by Doctor Hills is weight loss. It recommends men with a body mass index greater than 25 to lose in quality and quantity of sperm and maintain their ideal weight for men specialized in urology.
Kaynak : https://www.ntv.com.tr/saglik/erkeklere-uyari-bilgisayari-kucaginiza-koyarak-calismayin,QFJ8CDNKWEC8p1QflMJf2w
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