Explanation of HBO's Game of Thrones fans


  Game of Thrones

We have long known that the most controversial television series Game of Thrones will say goodbye to screens. What makes us so relaxed is that there are other sequences happening in Westeros. But HBO seems to be a bit boring in this regard.

As you know, the Game of Thrones final became certain that HBO was immediately ready for the projects that would fill this void. So much so that we learned that the chain received five different projects in Westeros . Although this number was exaggerated at first, it became a wait in the audience later. We accepted the situation thinking that we would be witnessing Westeros' past with different miniseries. But over time, it turned out that all these five generations could not progress. On the contrary, HBO seems to focus only on one path. Casey Bloys who took the days of HBO program director talked to Entertainment Weekly in recent days. He said:

"There are no other projects that we have actively developed.


It seems like the future of the other projects from Westeros depends on the first track that approved HBO .If the first episode is liked and interested by the public, different projects can happen.But we also have the opportunity to say goodbye to the Game of Thrones World soon.

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