The price of the dollar was 5 TL under 20 cents. The decline in the exchange rate has heightened expectations regarding the reduction of electricity and natural gas. BOTAŞ's da put on the reduction of gas …
On November 1, BOTAŞ achieved a 9% reduction on gas sold to private power plants. On December 1st, a reduction is expected.
For sectoral sources, the discount will not be surprising if one indicates, 1000 BOTAŞ, still all the thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of tons of gas intended for power plants. Expectation reduction from 6.5 to 7, said the integer.
This reduction will have a positive effect on inflation.
Is there a reduction in housing and the industry?
It is said that there will be a reduction in the new year if there is not an extraordinary increase in energy backstage, electricity and natural gas and the exchange rate. The rate is not expressed. The sector indicates that single digit reductions on electricity and gas may be on the agenda.
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