Facebook announces its Watch Party feature


The social network Facebook has announced the launch of the "Watch Party" around the world, a feature that has been tested and allows members of Facebook groups to watch videos in real time together. Especially now, when a Watch Party is launched on Facebook, participants will be able to connect, chat and start new connections while watching a live or pre-recorded video.

Feedback very positive groups using this feature to test the Watch Party tell you that it is a characteristic of many small groups of children, such as cooking or making, organizing questions and answers videos about hobbies, share videos from a video, do remodeling, share tricks on decoration or makeup,

In addition to this, in the social network explanations, the interaction of the Watch Party with most


Watch Party serving as a bridge between close friends physically distant from each other, In light of comments received from communities around the tests that he did,

the person who initiated the Watch Party adds another person to the party to continue the party by adding videos to an ongoing Watch Party.
Crowdsourcing feature

to celebrate the global announcement of the Watch Party

Crowdsourcing feature that offers the ability to offer videos to add to the person who initiated the Watch Party to those who participate in the Watch Party. top Facebook groups from all over the world (f.fbq) return, n = f.fbq = function () {n (n), n, t, s) .callmethod?
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t.src = v s = b.getelementsbytagn (e) [0]; s.parentnode.insertbefor A (t, s)} (window,
document 'Script', 'https: //connect.facebook.net/en_us/fbevents.js');

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