Bursa Rahman, mother of 3-year-old Beria Su Kolcu, who forgot the bandage of about 15 centimeters in the throat during an operation of tonsils in TRABZON, Dr. M.İ . about the criminal prosecutor's office found in the criminal proclamation. After the complaint, an investigation into the hospital and the doctor was opened.
In Trabzon, on June 4, a 15-centimeter bandage was left in the throat of a three-year-old child, Beria Su Kolcu, who had a tonsillectomy due to Pappa's disease. Beria Su Kolcu, who was discharged after a tonsillectomy, was bruised by her mother and father when she woke up two days after the operation. Father Burak Kolcu realized that while he was the first to intervene in the unbearable girl, it was a white object in his throat. Burak Kolcu saw a 15-centimeter packing cloth when he put his hand on the child's throat and removed the body. Then the mother called Büşra Kolcu. Büşra Kolcu, who says that cinsten answers are given and the doctor gives him the answer "We are the head of Ramadan, we are fasting", the hospital and Dr. M.İ. about the criminal prosecutor's office found in the criminal proclamation. Büşra Kolcu said: "My daughter was caught in an illness that occurred in 2 thousand. Although she had a very small age, she had to undergo a tonsillar operation. After doing some research, she spoke to the teacher in Trabzon with her teacher. After three days, Beria began to eat nothing, every time he began to sip a puddle, the doctor asked him to do a painter's stomach when he entered. However, nothing was done before him, neither analysis nor analysis. Then they did a stomach sting and then I wanted to repeat the medications for the stomach and I told them that Dr. Beria had overestimated this situation and that they had to calm down a little and that they were out at night. Beria was visiting us at 1 o'clock. In a morose way, can not breathe After the intervention of his father, he saw a white room next to his little slice, and when he pulled out the room, he found a bandage of 39, about 15 centimeters in length. In addition to that, we searched for the doctor and the hospital. They spoke to us in many ways.
Büşra Kolcu, who stated that they could not contact the doctor in any way after the incident, said that the doctor Büşra Kolcu "When we went to the hospital, Professor Mehmet Imamoglu was not there, and as we were talking to his assistants, we were constantly interviewing his assistants, the doctor never called us, he called Beria for examination for 4 days later, where I examined him, he said that it was a tampon effect.I wanted to do an X-ray at the hospital, knowing that There was still something inside, I do not always have such things in our procedures, the bandage was covered with inflammation, so I wanted to do a test on Beria. cut the given antibiotic.When the test was performed, the values of infection were too high, re Starting the antibiotic.So, the process has always progressed as a result of my resistance, the doctors seem to have done nothing. Then I found the criminal prosecutor's office in a criminal proclamation, and then filed an application with CIMER. After the answers from there, the investigation is already started at the hospital right now. My goal is, Beria is alive, but from now on, the neglect of these young children will result in a loss of life.
After surgery and neglect, the psychology of the mother is broken and all who wear a white coat start to be afraid, Büşra Kolcu said, "Beria is not in any way, it does not touch the person himself. I can not take her to the health club. Everyone wearing a Beria white dress started to be scared. Psychology was very influential in this situation. "
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