Referring to the weather in Moscow Terim, "This season in Moscow, we were already waiting at such a weather.Snowy, recording on the ground, rain, cold, hot, we do not have the luxury of luxury." he said.
Who will not play for tomorrow? Terim the question, "We already have this type of players that is missing yet 11 people will be on the ground, you can be sure of it.First in the absence of Belhanda.It is there not Emre in the first game, nor Sinan, they are not clear.After today 's training, Yuto may not be too.They will play both Rodrigues, Donk and Ndiaye tomorrow, gave the answer.
Commenting on the penalties that they have received in the Super League experienced coach, "I'm annoyed that some of the trouble, not nice. Of course me hırslandırıy because Turkey was united in a minimum common minimum, severe punishment her. Pay for the techies fees on each failure, the player pays. Good s' he does not play, he is sent to another club where he does not succeed. "expressions used.
Fines can be converted to a certain point up to a certain term of the term, "Maybe that can also be thought, from there, the numbers can be transferred to education." to watch.Important to stay in the game. " commented.
Fatih Terim, meanwhile, has announced that he will soon hold a press conference on the issues on the agenda.
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