Fenerbahçe sales record for form – Super League 2017-2018 – Football


Fenerbahçe General Secretary Sevil Zeynep Becan said he has sold 82,148 shirts to date. There is a record

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Fenerbahce Club Vice-President Burhan Karaçam gave information on financial matters at the Fenerbahçe Superior Council meeting.

Speaking at the July meeting of the Higher Council of Faruk Ilgaz Fenerbahce's High Council, Karaçam said that with the support of President Ali Koç, they owed 200 million pounds over a short period of time. period of a month and a half.

Karaçam made a broad presentation in his speech, which reminded President Ali Koç of the explanations he gave during his appeal to the FBTV mosque.

Total debt, 800 million pounds sterling, 4 times the loss of money, 2 times the loss of the black series, indicating that the club's financial situation in the club is not open to the Expression of the following:

"I will not tell you beautiful things, but we hope, we trust you, we believe that we will take this burden in a certain process." With the support of Ali Koc, we paid 200 million pounds in a month and a half. and we do not have a lot of money for the sportsmen, we want the support of our mosque.

Burhan Karaçam, 353.5 million pounds in the capital increase in presentation presentation, which recalls President Ali Koç hacked the club $ 50 million.

Noting that 80% of the borrower is in foreign currency, Blackcham concluded by saying that they would bring great financial discipline and that they would look to the future with hope.

Fenerbahçe club secretary Sevil Zeynep Becan announced that 39 thousand 226 of the 40 thousand 444 combined tickets presented for sale had been sold Becan: "A record of 82 thousand 148 for sale"

Becan claiming that the record of the management of Ali Koç of sale to the form was broken by the dismissal, "Our club sold 37 thousand 17 in the first 3 days and 48 thousand 117 units in the first week.It was sold in stores for 148 thousand and it's a record. "used expressions.

Sevil Zeynep Becan recalls the transfers made, Fenerbahçe university and amateur branches also shared information about.

Şaban Erdikler, member of the board of directors in charge of public, fiscal and financial affairs, was also informed of the tax debts.

Erdikler points out that the 600 employees of his club in his company are interested in tax affairs, saying that "49.5 million pounds in 2018 and 48 million debts in 2019. This is not easy to pay in the current financial structure.We must pay 231 million Turkish liras until 2024. We are lucky to have a law of fiscal peace, which is a law that will help pay debts, no doubt that we will make decisions for the benefit of our mosque. "he said.

Beijing: "Our Fenerbahce is in good hands"

Fethi Pekin, a member of the Legal Affairs Board, provided information on open cases and parties.

There are a total of 110 cases in which Fenerbahce Club is a party, and most of the lawsuits against Fenerbahce Football Inc. are in total 56 inconsistencies of Fenerbahce Football AŞ, There are 15 cases in which Football AŞ has a creditor and 1 case in which an athlete has an offense. There are more than 25 million pounds of material cases against us. According to the termination of the contract, the amount requested by the athletes is about 2.5 million euros. He spoke in the form of.

stating that they are working hard to prevent violence in Beijing, Beijing said:

"Sport will be the example club of Turkey for the prevention of violence. Fenerbahce transparent club before the law, as always, responsible and will continue to be a club can be controlled. Fenerbahçemiz good hands. We are confident that we will arrive at a better time in the future is full. Snacky We continue to see the light at the end of the tunnel as we have said, the prosecution against FETO members continues and we await the decision to go out as soon as possible. We are in the best case to finalize the record of compensation for material and moral damages. We will make all kinds of lawsuits and we owe all these fights to Fenerbahçe for our neck. "

Mehmet Vodina, member of the Supervisory Board, stated that the audit work was continuing due to the inclusion of the report of the activity of the former management and that the consequences exact were not met. The council's report would be communicated to the mosque at the October meeting.

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