Fitch revised Turkey's downward credit revisions, "negative" outlook


International rating agency Fitch raised Turkey's credit rating to BB + from reduced to BB, while the prospects of "stable" to "negative" turned down.

In a statement from Fitch, the committee's credit rating and make decisions about my vision "the agenda of the post-election economic policies of Turkey's management of inflation and politics budget, the point of view of structural reforms and the independence of the central bank, "said the discussion.

in a written statement, "steady decline in inflation with the prospect of Fitch, credibility, independence of monetary and economic policy it is possible with the downward tolerance of growth, expectations and structural reforms in the economy remain uncertain. "testimony was given.

On the other hand, is a powerful part Ramada note of the low public debt and despite the deterioration of the financial suspension, they said that they hope to maintain their level

Description In addition, the country's large external financing needs of Turkey remains vulnerable to shocks attention if the appearance of the "stable" it has changed it was fired. [19659002] Fitch, last 27 January, 2017 Turkey rating from "BBB-" to "BB +" or lowered, "negative." In the evaluations of July 21, 2017 and January 19, 2018, the "stable" outlook was maintained with the "BB +" notation.


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