A fatah documentary Fatah, the rule of law and Barzani's KDP agree to form a coalition for the new government.
An agreement was reached that the documents signed by the party representatives bring Mesud Barzani to the presidency and Nuri al-Maliki
In the document of agreement, the KDP;
A documentary signed, the conquest of Fatah, Fatah and other Kurdish parties were reported with the aim of joining the coalition and the KDP will begin negotiations with political parties Sunnis to join the coalition. and the re-export of oil from Kirkuk to the Iraqi Kurdish Regional Government (IKBY) while the rule of law has engaged the KDP as a joint power of peshmerga and federal forces in Kirkuk and return from Peshmerge to places needed in Kirkuk
After the document leaked, the press office of Maliki's press office, Hisham Rikabi, noted on the social media account that the document had been signed by the official documentary body.
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The Press Office of PDK Politburo Secretary General Fazıl Mirani, signed by Belgede, also announced that the document was false and did not reflect the truth.
The Fatah coalition combines to form a government with the Sairun coalition, former elected leader Muktta al-Sadr.
A delegation from the Conquest and State coalitions went to Arbil on Saturday to discuss the government alliance with KDP representatives.
On the other hand, the Iraqi Minister of Transport Kazım Cups al-Hamami, said in a statement overseas in the next Kirkuk Airport two weeks in Turkey, Lebanon and abroad through Baghdad and other cities in Iran
The governor of Kirkuk, Rakan Cuburi, said that the opening of the airport to flights would serve the inhabitants of the city
The Kirkuk Airport was used as a base by American soldiers for a long time after the American invasion in 2003.
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