Flash claim regarding oil reduction


Yasar, said in a statement, the reduction in fuel prices by some dealers did not reflect the pump, he said.

Yaşar said that it was an opportunism, "7 liralara in foreign currency to fall to 5 odds, although there are those who benefit from the difference." Iused the fades.

Yaşar, who said that he should not monitor the opportunists, continued:

"Fuel prices are linked to foreign currencies, but they do not go down.The reason they do not fall is opportunism, as is the case for various goods.

Yaşar said that citizens should inform the authorities of those who do not take into account the discount given to the pump.

Ali Ufuk Yaşar spoke about the evolution of the economy and said:

"We reiterate our calls for the collection of the Economic and Social Council.We must collect all relevant information on this issue and make joint statements on the current economic situation and its consequences.grease the rights and benefits of our employees to to turn the wheel, especially the rise of the minimum wage.


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