foreign exchange sales per share of $ 1.3 billion fell 1.9 percentage points in Istanbul.
[19659000] [19659000] [19659000] [19659000] THE FOREIGN INVESTOR AT THE BANK OF ISTANBUL "/>
[19659000] [19659000] FOREIGN EXCHANGE IN THE BORSA ISLAND PAYI reached 63.83% on 22 June after falling back to 63.40 in mid-June. The BIST 100 index tested 93,000 in January, against 120,000 in January. In the first five months of the year, net sales of foreigners decreased by $ 1.3 billion. However, the decline in the share of foreigners is limited to only 1.9%. On January 29, when the index tested the highest level in TL, the foreign share was found to be 65.92% and the BIST 100 index rose to 120.845. In June 8, the foreign share declined to 63.40 percent with a decrease of about two percentage points, while the index dropped to 93 thousand 43 percent. Chief Economist of BGC Partners Özgür Altuğ; "As a market value, 63% of our stock market is in the hands of foreign investors." 68% even at their best time, 70% do not know this rate, "he says. 79.7% of the portfolio size of foreigners is composed of US and European investors. Altuğ says that since the beginning of the year, net is not a huge outflow of foreign capital. At present, foreigners maintain their shares in the Istanbul Stock Exchange with a 63.9% share. At the end of May, 86% of foreign investors in the Istanbul Stock Exchange, 2,000,586, are US and European investors. The shallow market can lead to severe regressions even with very low sales. On the other hand, when we look abroad, the morale of the Fed deteriorates after the June meeting. The hawkish stance of the Fed will make the dollar index become stronger. This will increase the exit rate of developing countries. In such an environment, the risk premium of a country like Turkey more accurate. The credit risk premium of Turkey has 25,289 at the June level. He was 161 in early January. Turkey's credit risk premiums eased after doubling in about six months. However, it is still above level 200 and maintains a high heading. The price increase leads to a weakening of the direction towards the assets of TL.
One of the indicators that foreign investors look at the most is the dollar-based index data. According to this simple but useful indicator, the BIST 100 index is at the level of 19 000 778 in dollars when the market is in the spotlight. In contrast, the index was at the level of 51 thousand 87 in May 2013 in dollars. Before the elections, foreigners made net purchases of $ 289 million the week of June 15. This is the best buy since the beginning of the year. The fact that the stock market has reached long-term levels of support in dollars and that overseas purchases have not begun to recur could pave the way for the rise in the index. BIST 100.
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[19659020] Eyes in politics in geopolitical developments "src =" http: //c.igte. ch /? u = http: //www.fortuneturkey.com/Content/images/news/boyut7/piyasalarda-gozler-jeopolitik-default-93811-12042018100243.jpg "border =" 0 "/>